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Fortifiber Flashing Installation Instructions

카테고리 없음

by waowindebtwork1981 2020. 2. 17. 00:50


Recently a customer who purchased a Milgard Tuscany Vinyl window came in to ask how to install a it. This is a frequent question that sometimes can be difficult to find the right answer too. Especially since all window openings were not created equal. When replacing an old window that may or may not have existing flashing that meets today’s building standards, it can be difficult to determine the best method and products to use. Below are a couple links and resources that might help answer window/door installation questions: In this particular case, Milgard recommends that all of their windows be installed per AAMA installation guidelines.

  1. Fortifiber Flashing Installation Instructions

A electronic copy of can be found on “pro” side of Milgard’s Website. Most major window and door manufacturers refer to AAMA 2400-02 or ASTM E212 as the required method for installation of their products. A couple of the manufacturer’s we work with have product specific instructions that go into much more depth and contain additional information. Old Town Glass uses both and when installing products for our customers and contractors.

Fortifiber Flashing Installation InstructionsFortifiber flashing installation instructions

Fortifiber Flashing Installation Instructions

Both Grace and Fortifiber have excellent online resources discussing how to use their products when installing a window or door. We strongly encourage you to not only refer to the instructions for the product you are installing, to ensure it is installing in a manner that will not maintain the warranty and also reference the instructions for all products used during the installation process. Not all flashing, building papers, and sealants are compatabile with one another and only products designed to work with each other should be used.

For example, Fortifiber makes their own caulking that is compatabile with their flashing and building paper products. WR Grace has a list of approved caulking and sealants that work with their products. We encourage our customer’s to research the products they plan on using for their window and door projects or give us a call for an installation quote. Our installer’s are certified to the level and recieve product specific installation training.